Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Plethora of Pictures

I finally finished Mr. Spidey's birthday collage, filled with everything he loves so we can remember what he liked at the age of 2. Also, if you're wondering why we didn't do a birthday interview, I think the best age to start that tradition is age 3. So he'll get one next year. Now onto the rest of the blog post...

Spidey's two year pictures did not turn out well. He was really mad and did not want his picture taken with all of his Toy Story friends and I was pretty bummed that it just didn't work out that day.
So today, as we were sitting on the couch and the kids were watching a movie, I decided to dress them up a bit and head on over to the temple to take some pictures (a post on the temple visit at the end of this week).
I got tons of great pictures (and a couple of funny bloopers) so I had to come share my favorites with you. And there are many.
Of course, the second we got there, Petey started giving me cute smiles and perfect poses.

She is really good at the whole camera thing and loves it a lot.

Then I tried to get a group shot...and in all seriousness, this is the best one I got. I just cannot get a good picture of both of my kids sitting next to each other.

Of course, Petey on her own gave me another good pose. Sassy girl.

And another good pose.

Then, I got my first good one of Spidey. He may not be smiling but that face is totally my boy. He had something mischevious on his mind.

He is a ball of cheese, I tell ya. I wish I could get more genuine smiles from him but usually, this is all I get.

Then they wanted to take pictures in the tree. Petey asked me to hand Spidey to her and just didn't work out. :)

So she took a couple by herself.

That scrunched up nose is making me laugh.

And when I started playing peek-a-boo with Spidey, the real smiles showed up for a few minutes.

Such a cute, happy boy, that two year old of mine.

Doesn't he just look old?!

Of course, many snacks and other forms of bribery were involved to get some of the good pictures taken. This boy just does not like my camera! He usually runs away unless I bribe him. :)

Then, I put the ASU jersey on the Bubs because Grandma needed some pictures for the book she is writing about our Spidey (a tradition she has with the grandkids).

Seriously, what is up with the scrunched nose? It's hilarious.

And well, this is how it all ended. :)

Hope you had a fabulous Wednesday!

And that's how Suze sees it.


Kelly said...

Cuuute cute! :) I get it with first born being super photogenic and second born being, well, hard to nail down long enough to catch a decent smile. But your pictures turned out awesome.

I agree with 3 the start for the birthday interview. I did one with Gwenny at 2 and it was just silly, really. I won't do one for Mer until she's 3. ... Her 2nd bday though is (as of today) less than a month away. Crazy!! Our kids are growing up too fast!!

Sam and Trev said...

I always used to scrunch up my nose like that when I was about her age too! IDK why tho, but at least it's cute =D