Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm a mom

I have been thrown up on numerous times in the past two years.
I'm a mom.

I have been pooped on, peed on, and bled on on many different occasions and in many public places.
I'm a mom.

My daughter calls me by my first name---and she isnt even 2 yet.
I'm a mom.

I am a professional medicine giver due to long nights of colic, reflux, ear infections, and strep throat.
I'm a mom.

Instead of staying up late after my kids go to bed, I wake up early in the morning on my days off to get some "me" time.
I'm a mom.

And though to some it may not sound like a pleasant job, to deal with poop and vomit and all sorts of bodily functions, I could not have asked for a better calling in this life.

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