Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

How grateful I am for my country and the freedom that I have. It is hard to express how I feel about America because I have lived here my whole life and have never experienced anything but my freedom. I often take the things I have for granted so it is nice to have such a wonderful day for us all to reflect on the many freedoms that we do have.
On the 4th, I had the freedom to: *Melt in the sun watching David and Petey...

...at their swim lessons. (Are you loving Petey's face in that picture? She is SO bubbly and talks like crazy now at lessons.)

*Have a BBQ with extended family (no pictures to prove it...but it did happen).

*Swim at my parents house and watch Petey jump off the diving board {after a while, she started doing it without floaties but I didnt get a picture}.

*Light fireworks with family.

*See K Bear's dad having to plug his ears because the fireworks were loud.

*Watch Aunt Gigi and Spidey get excited for the fireworks. This was right after Spidey said, "Whoohoo!"

I am so grateful for my country, for my family, and for my freedom.

And that's how Suze sees it.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Cute pictures! I sadly didn't take a single one. :( Fail!