Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Busy Weeks

Today is my first day off since starting back at work. Each day that I'm there, I remember how I used to do this every day for 5+ years. I feel so blessed that I am able to go back to help out for 6 weeks but I feel even more blessed that my real job is at home with my children.
I am reminded of how hard it was to drop my kids off each morning. I am reminded of how hard it was on my mother. I am reminded of how hard it was on my heart.
There's nothing easy about being a working mother. I respect those mothers in my life who work to provide for their family while wishing they could find a way to be home. I was that mother and I may be her again at some point in my life.
So I am going to try harder not to take the life that I live for granted. No amount of money could make up for me being away from my children all day. There is nothing I want to do more than be with them.
So Disneyland can wait. A new van and a bigger home can wait. We are too busy enjoying the every day things that make us the happiest and for me, that means family.

In other news, I turned the big 2-5 this past Sunday. I meant to do a fun post like last year but since it never happened, you can refer to the same video I took last year of my trampoline skillz. And if you do laugh at me, just don't tell me you did. ;)

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