At home, Petey is feisty. She has always been that way. As sweet as she is, she can talk back to me as much as I talked back to my own mother in my teen years. And she whines...a lot.
And I'm not trying to slam myself or tell you I don't love myself but if I could change one thing, it would be the choices I made in my growing up years. And I see so much of myself in my girl.
She is just as timid as I am around new people and once she is comfortable around someone, she is wild. :)
Because I believe I have learned to be strong. I just want her to learn earlier. :)
Am I the only one who thinks this far into the future with my toddlers? Maybe I'm truly crazy. But I often think about the future because I know the way I choose to raise my kids right now can affect the way they are in the future.
And that's how Suze sees it.
I feel the same way about my little girl. I hope to always give her plenty of chances to meet new people, learn how to speak to adults, etc. at the same time, you can't fight nature. I think my daughter will always have a shy streak through her because that's just who she is.
what a stylish little girl!!! bless her!
Naw, now you know what your mother might have been thinking with you. Amazing how our perspectives change.
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