Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sending Hugs

I have a couple of sisters who don't live in our same state and we miss them a lot. We don't normally send packages or things to any of them but a while ago I saw this idea on Pinterest to send hugs through the mail. So that is just what we did. {You will be getting these soon, Karin}We rolled out our butcher paper and taped a long piece to the kitchen table. Petey got the first turn and layed down while I traced around her upper body. Then I let her color in her eyes, nose, mouth and hair.She did a pretty good job!Then we got the crayons out and I let her color her picture however she wanted. She asked me to draw a pink shirt on her so that is the only part I helped with.Adorably imperfect drawing. I LOVE it!Spidey had anxiously awaited his turn and was extremely fidgety while I traced his upper body.So as you can see, his was a bit disfigured. Oh well. :) He had fun coloring it, I cut it all out and we sent them both in the mail yesterday to Uncle Chris and Aunt Karin. Petey had also drawn pictures of Chris and Karin a month ago that we never mailed off so they should be expecting TWO envelopes in the mail from us soon. :)

If you want a fun activity for your kids, this one is great! We had so much fun all working and giggling together and I'm glad we were able to pull it off.

And that's how Suze does it.

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