On Wednesday, we went over to my parents' house to dye Easter eggs with the kids.
George and Petey were excited to get started.
We usually start by coloring the Easter eggs with crayons so when we dye them, the crayon shows through.
Boss helped Spidey dye his eggs. 
I "helped" Petey but she did most of it herself.
The finished product (minus Spidey's last one). The kids each got to dye 3 eggs.
As soon as we were done dying eggs, Petey and I headed out to the Easter Pageant...at 4pm...because I wanted a certain spot and was determined to get it.
We set out our blanket, played Candyland, Legos, and read our books over and over.
Petey did so well and I'm glad we got to have some girl time together that afternoon.
She earned that umbrella by filling up her sticker chart and she was so happy to have it. I was happy she wasn't in the sun all afternoon. Win-win.
We spent a lot of time laying around like this since the sun was in our eyes. Did I mention we got there 4 hours before the pageant starts? Also, did I mention nobody really sat around us until 6pm so we got there 2 hrs earlier than we needed to? Oh well. I got the seats I wanted and we weren't too far away!
Uncle Benny and Nana showed up around 6pm and Petey was so excited to see them.
Then, a bit later, the out-of-towners (Boss' sister and her family) showed up and we were SO excited to see them, since it doesnt happen as often as we'd like. Miss B has a cast on her arm because she is currently doing constraint therapy to help strengthen her right arm. Remember how she had a stroke? You can visit Juli's blog to read more about that. (http://www.juliandnick.blogspot.com)
All the kiddos layed down with blankets and snuggled up, since it got a bit chilly once the sun went down.
Love my nieces! Aren't they just super adorable?
Right before the pageant started, I changed Petey into her jammies and she gave me some poses. Funny girl. :)
We love the tradition of going to see the Easter Pageant. It really gets my mind in the focus of Easter and it's true meaning.
And that's how Suze sees it.
PS: Boss had taken Spidey home because he had a cough...hence the reason they aren't in any pageant pictures. :)
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