Monday, January 16, 2012

ABC's and Happy Birthdays

This week is going to be tiring. Getting up at 5:30am to get my little sister up for school sounds tiring and I didn't even have to do it today. But tomorrow, it begins.
So in celebration of my fantastical week to come, here is my son singing his ABC's, which sound entirely unclear and hard to understand. And no, that isn't the sound...he just really doesn't pronounce his ABC's! For being such a great pronouncer/talker, this surprises me---but I digress, it is kind of hard to understand where he is in the song. :)
Nevertheless, it is still amazingly adorable.

And in this next video, he is singing happy birthday. This is in celebration of his new cousin, who is to be born sometime soon.

More fun videos to come. I have been on a video kick and have been taking many of the kids lately. But really, it's easy to take pictures of the two cutest little people in the entire world!

And that's how Suze sees it.

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