Today is Brag Day. I haven't officially branded this yet but it is a work in progress. :)
Anyway, I really have the most awesome family in the entire world.

If you've never met my son in person, youre missing out. This kid is hilarious. He is always thinking of ways to make us laugh.

And he always gets himself into the weirdest situations, including having one arm out if his shirt. Lately, he has beencoming up with new words/phrases like crazy. He is adding small words into his sentences like "the, a, to, at". He loves to say, "Look at me, Mom." and "I dont wanna do that."

And then there's this guy. Even though he just passed gas while sitting right next to me (true story), he is an awesome dad to our little chicklets. He is often found playing with them, helping them, or sleeping next to them.

He even let Petey put a headband on him the other day and take a picture. Ok, fine, so she did that while he was sleeping and I helped by taking the picture. :) He is so busy with school and we don't see him as often anymore and I love that he doesn't take us for granted. We are so lucky to have him!

And then there's our smarty pants 3 year old. She has been working so hard on writing her letters and practices daily. It isn't uncommon to find her scribbling on some paper and holding it up to show me her perfect letter A...

Or a page full of N's. She can write the letters A, C, H, I, L, N, O, T, U, V, and Y all by herself with no help. This week in tot school, we started working on the letter N and she's already writing it perfectly by herself.
I'm just so proud! Can you tell? It seems everyone in our family is doing something fantastic in their lives right now and it's hard to complain about money issues or having no baby right now when we have SO much to be thankful for throughout each day.
I hope your week is starting out as wonderful as ours is.
And that's how Suze brags about the people she loves.
1 comment:
That is all so awesome! And I would totally do something like that Eric while he was sleeping :) And the arm out of the shirt- love love it!
This would be a perfect Proud Mommy Moment- so next time come brag with us on Thursday :)
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