Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bedtime is one of my favorite and least favorite times of our day. I sure do love having 'me' time after my kids are in bed but I really do miss them. My kids usually watch a movie right after dinner (if we are at home). Then, we take baths, read a book, and say our prayers. This has become an almost consistent routine. The other night, as we were getting the kids in bed, I realized I hadn't taken pictures of something very exciting. Do you notice that all 3 of them are fitting on that bed but it isn't our master bed?

We found our bunk beds! Thank you, craigslist! I thought I liked the color but I think when life calms down a bit and Boss and I can muster up some energy, we will stain them a darker brown, like the crib. I am so happy the search is over. They are super sturdy and can even be made into two twin beds. Can you tell I'm happy?

In other news, I deemed tonight close enough to Halloween that I decided to start getting my decorations up around the house!

This picture is horrible but dont you love the pumpkin jars? My sis in law and I made them last year. I also finished my Halloween blocks in the middle.

Here is a look at the front door. I still don't have a wreath made for outside but at least the inside looks good!

A closer look at my 'BOO' letters.

And a closer look at this creation I made last year. I love these accordian-style circles and they are super easy to make.

Hope you've all had a good week. Mine has been pretty good and tomorrow should be the best day of them all! Temple date with the Boss.

And that's how Suze sees it.

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